In association with the Saskatchewan Band Association we are blasting Prairie Music Residency into Cyberspace for four days of performances, masterclasses, interactive discussions, daily hang outs and much more hosted on Zoom. The course is open to musicians and music lovers of all ages, abilities with sessions on brass/woodwind/percussion and general music topics!
Session tiers:
- Artist Spotlight Sessions for each instrument, featuring some of the world’s finest Brass, Woodwind and Percussion performers and educators. The spotlight sessions include performances, masterclasses and live interactive Q and A sessions.
Including: Mark Wilkinson (Cornet), Helen Varley(Horn), Bones Apart Quartet (Trombone), David Thornton (Euphonium) Les Neish (Tuba) TorQ Quartet(Percussion), Andrea Venet (Percussion) Helen Harrelson (Baritone) and more.
- Centre Stage sessions are accessible for any musician or music fan and are interactive live topic discussions on a wide range of general music concepts and topics, including; “Staying in Shape and Engaged” – Dean McNeill, “Community Music and Mental Health” – Tabby Kerwin, “Grooversity: Rhythm 101” – Marcus Santos, “From a Distance – Music Technology”, Brass Panel Discussion– Host: Joanna Ross-Hersey, “Beyond the Notes – Becoming a better musician” – Joseph Parisi, “Brass Band History” – Tom Davoren – Intonation – Dr. Shelley Jagow.
- Access to private lessons (at additional cost) with faculty members from across the globe.
- Additional content including; “5 minute warm ups” and daily hang out chats.
Online Sessions will run from August 6th, through till August 9th 2020.
Cost to participate is ONLY $25 for SBA members, and $35 for non-members.
Miss a session? Want to review a particular presenter’s content? No worries! The content will be available to registrants for post-event viewing until August 30th.